HC Deb 23 July 1925 vol 186 cc2413-4
25. Sir NEWTON MOORE for

asked the Home Secretary what steps are being taken to safeguard the interests of animal medicine makers in this country in view of the terms of the Order in Council of the 8th December, 1924, pursuant to Section 4 of the Dangerous Drugs and Poisons Amendment Act, 1923; whether he is aware of the difficult position in which animal medicine makers have been placed owing to the operation of this Order in Council; and whether, in view of the fact that they were given no opportunity of stating their case before the Order came into force, he will consider the possibility of introducing a short Bill during the present Session exempting medicines for farm animals and poultry from the operations of the Order?


The Order in Council referred to does not come into operation until the 1st January, 1926, and my right hon. Friend is advised that ample time has, therefore, been afforded to all persons selling poisons to take the necessary steps to comply with the Order. Before the Order in Council was made, careful consideration was given to the representations of the Animal Medicine Makers' and Allied Traders' Association. The Act makes the labelling compulsory for all preparations which contain a poison as one of the ingredients thereof. It would not be possible for the Government to promote legislation, as suggested, for the exemption of a particular class of preparations.