HC Deb 20 July 1925 vol 186 cc1814-5
30. Mr. SNELL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, if he is aware that Well Hall Institute, built by the Ministry of Munitions for educational purposes and placed under the control of the Council of the Literary and Debating Society and Educational Institute on the understanding that its membership be open to all Government employés residing in the hutments, permanent village, or hostels has been sold to Messrs. Clark and Mackenzie, together with the land on which it stood, without notice being given to the governing body of the institute or an opportunity being afforded them of purchasing; that no complaint has been made of the use to which the institute was being put; that the loss of the educational and social facilities it afforded constitutes a serious hardship to the locality; and will he say why the governing body of the institute was ignored and the property sold to a private purchaser?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the remainder, the question of excluding the Institute from the sale was carefully considered, but this course of action was found impracticable as the sale of the large area of land at the rear was made dependent upon the inclusion of the land upon which the Institute stands.


Is there no way of saving this educational institute for the service of the locality?


I think it is possible that the people interested in the institute may be able to make arrangements for a new site with the purchasers.


Is it not a fact that there are 14 literary and educational societies associated with this institute?


Yes, but, as I said before, it may be possible by friendly arrangement to find an alternative site.