HC Deb 13 July 1925 vol 186 cc848-9
29. Mr. LAMB

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether any of the tithe rent- charge on lands in public ownership was redeemed during the years 1919–20; if so, whether any of it was redeemed by conversion into a terminable annuity; whether the redemption on that basis was compulsory on the tithe-owners at the option of the tithe-payer; and what was the amount of the annuity, to cover interest and sinking fund, fixed in respect of every £100 of commuted tithe so redeemed?


The answer to the first three parts of the Question is 'in the affirmative. The amount of the annuity was in cach case calculated in accordance with the method prescribed by the First Schedule to the Tithe Act, 1918, and varied according to the average amount of rates paid on the tithe rentcharge, the amount of the Land Tax (if any), the cost of collection, and the period of the annuity.


Does this represent a sum of £5,600 for every £100?


I could not say without notice.