HC Deb 06 July 1925 vol 186 c16
41. Captain HUDSON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department, how many ex-Army, Navy, and policemen on full retired pay are employed at the British Empire Exhibition; and whether ex-service men without such pensions will be given preference on any reduction of staff?


As I informed the hon. and gallant Member for the Buckingham Division of Buckinghamshire on the 10th March, it is the policy of the British Empire Exhibition authorities to employ only ex-service men and men from the police force and the Royal Irish Constabulary, including a considerable proportion of disabled men, but they have-no information as to the total number employed by them who are in receipt of full retired pay. With regard to the second part, I understand that when it is necessary to reduce stuff, the exhibition authorities take primarily into account efficiency and length of service, but they naturally desire to avoid hardship wherever it is possible.