§ 21. Captain GARRO-JONESasked the Home Secretary whether, on 3rd October, 2780 1924, he received 32 petitions signed by over 1,100 registered electors, and accompanied by a. certified copy of the Ordnance Survey map, as required by him, asking for an additional order to be made on the local authority, the county council of Berkshire, to provide additional polling districts and polling places in the Abingdon Division of the said county; and what steps have been taken since to consider and act upon the said petitions?
§ Sir W. JOYNSON-HICKSThese petitions were received in the Home Office last October and, in accordance with the usual practice, were referred to the county council for their observations. These observations have not yet been received: as the hon. Member is aware, a new council was elected last March, and I am pressing the council to let me have their observations at an early date.