HC Deb 02 July 1925 vol 185 cc2770-1
7. Mr. LUNN

asked the Minister of Pensions whether it has been decided to close the hospital at Oulton Hall, near Leeds; if so, on what date does he propose to close it and for what reason; is he aware that Oulton Hall is the only neurasthenic hospital in the county of York; that the hall and grounds have been given free to the nation by the owner to be used for this purpose; that there are 120 patients there and a large number of ex-service men who have received considerable benefit from treatment at this establishment; and that there is no other way in which they can be treated so economically; and will tie reconsider his decision so as to allow the good work to proceed uninterruptedly?


In view of the continuous decline in the number of pensioners requiring the kind of treatment provided at Oulton Hall it has been decided, after a careful review of the position throughout the country, to close this hospital (where there are at present 84 patients, only 42 of whom are drawn from the county of York) at or about the end of this month. In arriving at this decision, the points mentioned by the hon. Member have not been overlooked, but I have had to keep in view the general requirements and the necessity for making the most efficient and advantageous use of the facilities for neurological treatment at my disposal, having regard to the reduced number of cases to be dealt with and their distribution over the country as a whole.


Might I ask the right hon. Gentleman where he proposes to send these war pensioners to now? I think he has not answered the question as to how these people can be better or more economically treated than they are treated at Oulton Hall. Is he aware that there is considerable feeling already in the district on the matter?


I am glad to hear the hon. Member's view—with which I entirely concur—that this hospital has been of great advantage to all concerned. My difficulty, however, is that the number of patients has been continuously declining for a number of years, and it is quite impossible to keep all hospitals open when they are not needed.


Will the same facilities as at present be provided at any other place where you may send these patients?


Yes. I understand that the facilities provided will be as good as those originally provided. In regard to the individual distribution of the men, perhaps the hon. Gentleman will put down a question.


What is going to happen to this hall and grounds, which we understand were given for this purpose?


Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will put a question down?


It is in my question. This hall and grounds have been granted for this particular purpose, and it is very important that we should continue there in view of the large number of people requiring treatment.


The question does not ask about the destination, but it does contain an accidental error, because the Ministry is not the owner of the house and grounds, which have only been granted on a temporary lease.


For this purpose?


For this purpose!