HC Deb 21 December 1925 vol 189 c1926
2. Colonel APPLIN

asked the Undersecretary of State for India whether it is intended to retain the existing volunteer regiments in India; if he can state how they are officered and manned, and from what class or community the rank and file are recruited; and whether it is intended to raise a regiment or battery of artillery of Anglo-Indians for service within the Indian Empire?


There are two volunteer organisations in India, the Auxiliary Force and the Territorial Force, both of which it is intended to retain. I presume my hon. and gallant Friend refers to the Auxiliary Force. Membership is open to European British subjects, a term which for this purpose is held to include Anglo-Indians. Commissions are given by selection, and are open to all who are eligible for membership of the force. As regards the last part, the whole question of the military employment of Anglo-Indians is now under consideration by my Noble Friend and the Government of India.

Colonel APPLIN

May I ask the Noble Lord to give very careful consideration to the raising of a regiment of Anglo-Indians, in view of the good service done by a battery of Anglo-Indians in Mesopotamia?


I have already said that the matter is under the careful consideration of my Noble Friend.