HC Deb 21 December 1925 vol 189 cc1961-2

asked the Secretary of State for War why the civilian clerical employés' in the Royal Engineer services have not had their rates of remuneration and general conditions of service adjusted in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Report, dated February, 1920, of the Reorganisation Sub-committee of the National Whitley Council; and whether he is in a position to state the approximate date on which these adjustments will be made?

Captain KING

Civilian clerical employees in Royal Engineer services are included within the scheme of reorganisation which is being applied to all Wai-Department out-station offices in the United Kingdom. The relation of this scheme to the recommendations of the Reorganisation Committee of the National Whitley Council was explained in my reply to a question by the hon. Member for Limehouse (Mr. Attlee) on the 8th December. Very close investigation is necessary before complements of posts on reorganisation can be fixed. I am not able to promise that the scheme will be applied to all the scattered Royal Engineer offices throughout the United Kingdom by any definite date, but the figures of complements for those offices are now in an advanced stage of preparation.