HC Deb 09 December 1925 vol 189 c429
13. Mr. LOOKER

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that, owing to the unprecedentedly heavy maize crop in the United States of America, and the consquent fall in price, two credit organisations have been formed under Government auspices to enable growers to withhold maize from the market indefinitely until prices rise; and whether he proposes to allow such a restriction on the sale of a natural product to pass without representations being made on behalf of consumers of maize in this country?


I have seen a report of the nature referred to in the Press, but I have no official information.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that diplomatic representations wore made by the United States to Great Britain with respect to the rubber restriction scheme, and are we to understand that the Department is going to allow a State-aided restriction of this description to be perpetrated on British consumers?


I may tell my hon. Friend that we have telegraphed for information about this, but have not yet received the report.


Is not this merely good business from the present-day business man's point of view?

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