§ 80. Colonel DAYasked the right hon. Member for Cheltenham, as Chairman of the Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms Committee, how many employés under the control of the Kitchen Committee, male and female, respectively, were found situations during the last Recess of the House; and what steps are being taken to find temporary situations during the forthcoming long Recess for those who do not receive full or half pay during the Recess?
§ Sir JAMES AGG-GARDNERIn reply to the question of the hon. and gallant Member, the only employés who are under the control of the Kitchen Committee during the long Recess are those engaged by the year. But we always endeavour to assist those who have been temporarily in our employ to find situations. During the last summer Recess, I understand few, if any, were entirely without occupation.
§ Colonel DAYIs it a fact that the right hon. Gentleman stated in the House of 456 Commons on 29th July that they found all their employeés work during the vacation?
§ Mr. SPENCERIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that, at least on this side of the House, we would rather pay a little more for our food, and pay reasonable wages to those employed at the House, than turn them off with nothing for 17 or 18 weeks?
§ Sir J. AGG-GARDNERI do not think the hon. Member quite apprehends the situation. If his proposal were carried out, it would mean that the temporary employés would be kept during the Recess in enforced idleness, and at a great cost to the Committee.
§ Colonel DAYOn a point of Order. The last time that this question was raised you, Mr. Speaker, said that you would give the House an opportunity to discuss it on some of the Votes.
§ Mr. SPEAKERI am sure I did not say that. I have not control over the time of the House.