HC Deb 03 December 1925 vol 188 c2477
16. Mr. J. BECKETT

asked the Minister of Pensions what was the number of whole-time area and area sub-offices on the 1st November, 1921, 1st November, 1923, let November, 1924, and the 1st November, 1925; what was the number of the staff employed in these offices on each date, respectively; whether it is proposed at an early date to reduce the staff in the area offices and area sub-offices by a further 30 per cent.; and, if so, what steps will be taken to ensure new applications receiving prompt attention and pensioners receiving treatment and medical attention?

Date. Number of Area Offices. Number of Whole-time Sub-Offices. Number of staff employed in Area or Whole-time Sub-Offices.
1st November, 1921 No Area Offices had been established under the Act of 1921 at this date.
1st November, 1923 146 87 4,485
1st November, 1924 136 94 4,090
1st November, 1925 109 102 3,377

The staff of these offices will be adjusted from time to time in accordance with the work, but there is no question of working to a fixed percentage reduction, and the hon. Member may rest assured that the staff will not be reduced beyond the point necessary for the efficient performance of all the duties of the office.