HC Deb 02 December 1925 vol 188 cc2205-6
30. Mr. HANNON

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons employed in the motor manufacturing industry in Coventry, Wolverhampton, and Birmingham, respectively, in each quarter from the year 1920 to 1925; and the number of persons in the same industry recorded at the Employment Exchanges in those towns as unemployed at the same dates?


The information required will take some time to extract from the Department's records. I will, however, circulate the figures as soon as they are available.


Is it a fact that in Coventry to-day every employable man is in employment?


Before the right hon. Gentleman answers that question, is it not a fact that during the period when the McKenna Duties were repealed there was no unemployment there?


I would not venture to make a statistical statement on knowledge in answer to those two questions. My opinion is this, that there was very little unemployment during either period, but that the numbers have grown since the earlier date, and the question of good employment applies at the present day to a larger number of persons.

31. Mr. HANNON

asked the Minister of Labour whether the numbers of persons recorded by the Minister of Labour as insured and unemployed in the motor vehicle industry includes persons employed in motor garages in all parts of the country on the work of maintenance and repair; and whether he has any information as to the average number of persons in employment in Great Britain in the work of manufacture, as distinguished from repair, at different periods in each of the last five years?


Persons employed in motor garages on maintenance and repair work, so far as they can be separately distinguished, are classified for statistical purposes in the group described as "construction and repair of motor vehicles, cycles and aircraft." Other employés in motor garages are classified in the groups "Other road transport." Separate figures are not available for the motor vehicle industry or for manufacture as distinguished from repair.