HC Deb 01 December 1925 vol 188 cc2029-30
40. Dr. SHIELS

asked the Secretary for Scotland the numbers of the various types of houses already selected, provisionally or otherwise, by local authorities under instructions contained in the Circular of 3rd October, 1925, and the names of the authorities concerned?


The Circular to which the hon. Member refers was a preliminary Circular, explaining the conditions of the scheme, and stating that the Board of Health would ascertain by-advertisement, and announce for the information of local authorities, the names and addresses of firms who would be prepared to erect houses under the conditions of the scheme, and within prices which the Board could approve. The announcement of firms approved was duly made by the Board's Circular to local authorities of 23rd November, and as the time within which application must be made under that Circular has not yet expired I am not at present in a position to make any statement as to the types selected by local authorities.


May I take it that the list is not finally completed, as I think there were four firms on that one? May that number be added to?


No, certainly not, until we see the full result of the replies