HC Deb 04 August 1925 vol 187 cc1146-8

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he can give an estimate of the total expenditure that will be incurred as a result of Government Bills passed, and which it is intended to pass this Session, with the names of the Bills and the estimated amounts?

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER (Mr. Churchill)

I have had prepared a statement showing the Kills imposing actual or contingent charges on the State passed or proposed to be passed in the present Session, with particulars of the estimated expenditure and contingent liabilities extracted from the White Papers which were circulated in connection with the Financial Resolutions of the Bills in question. As this statement contains many figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

Act. Nature of Expenditure. Amount of Expenditure.
Diseases of Animal Grants to Local Authorities in respect of compensation paid for slaughter of tuberculous cattle. £50,000 a year.
Gold Standard Commission £257,626 in 1925–26, and a similar or lesser amount in 1926–27. In addition, interest will be payable if it should prove necessary to raise loans in 1925–26 or 1926–27 for the purpose of exchange operations.
National Library of Scotland. Expenses of library £1,000 a year (additional).
Tithe Relief to incumbents of rates on tithe rent charges. £292,500 a year (additional).
Unemployment Insurance. Increased Exchequer Contribution. £3,900,000 a year from 1st April, 1926, if unemployment continues at approximately the present level.
Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions. All benefits For the first decennial period the Annual Exchequer Contribution to the Treasury Pensions Account will be £4 millions. In addition in the 10 year period the total additional expenditure that will fall on the Old Age Pensions Vote, offset by Savings that will arise on Health Insurance and Unemployment Insurance is estimated at £17.1 millions in the aggregate as shown in Table VII in Command Paper 2,406.
Continuation of Existing Charges.
Agricultural Rates (Additional Grant) Continuance. Continuance for another year (from 31st March, 1925) of existing Exchequer grants for relief of rates on occupiers of agricultural land provided by Agricultural Rates Act, 1923. £3,290,000.
Contingent Liabilities.
British Empire Exhibition (guarantee). Guarantee of £1,000,000 in respect of loss.
Irish Free State Land Purchase (Loan Guarantee. Guarantee of principal and interest of Irish Free State 4½ per cent. Land Bonds that may be issued up to the end of 1932, within a total of £30,000,000.
Trade Facilities Guarantee of principal and interest of loans not exceeding about £12,000,000.
Expenditure out of Loans.
Telegraph (Money) Development of telephones (capital expenditure). £30,000,000 in next three years out of borrowed moneys to be repaid by terminable annuities chargeable on Post Office Votes.