HC Deb 28 April 1925 vol 183 c33

I wish to ask your ruling, Sir, on a point affecting the Order of the House. It is whether, on this day, when the seating accommodation is taxed to its utmost limits, it is in keeping with the practice of the House for Members of other parties to come and deliberately book up the seats which are normally reserved for Members of a particular party?


Any arrangement as regards seats in the House is a matter of mutual courtesy. I hope hon. Members will continue to observe the traditions of the house.


As I believe the question has some relation to myself, may I be allowed to make a statement. I came here this morning, and put a ticket on this seat where I am now. 1 was present at prayers, and I put a ticket at the back of the seat. This seat is not in the block that the Labour party usually occupy, but is exactly opposite the Gangway. When 1 had put the ticket in the back of the seat, I went out of the House for a few minutes. When I came back an hon. Member was sitting upon it. I asked him to move, which he refused to do, but eventually he grudgingly gave way. A few minutes afterwards he took the ticket from the clip at the back of the -.eat, and tore it up in front of my face. That, to my mind, is not showing the usual courtesy. I submit that I am not anywhere in the block usually occupied by the Labour party. that I have a perfect right to this seat, and I. intend to stay here.


I am sorry that such an incident should have occurred. It is one of those marginal questions where we must depend on the usual courtesy. I think the fact that the hon. and gallant Gentleman is now seated there shows that apart from a momentary incident he has been treated with the usual courtesy.