HC Deb 08 April 1925 vol 182 cc2220-1

asked the Ministry of Labour whether he is aware that the scale of wages laid down in the Order of the Ministry of Labour of 23rd March, 1923, for the milk distributive trade has had the effect in seaside resorts, where the trade is largely seasonal, such as Great Yarmouth, of compelling employers in the milk trade to discharge employés of over 21 years and to engage youths in their place, who in turn are discharged when they reach the age of 21; and whether he will be prepared, in order to prevent unemployment and dis- tress among the men, to consider the revision of the rates of wages laid down in the Order or, alternatively, to classify seaside resorts where trade is proved to be largely seasonal as coming under area A, although the population may exceed 10,000?


In accordance with the Trade Boards Acts the minimum rates in question are fixed by the Milk Distributive Trade Board (England and Wales) which is a body composed of equal numbers of representatives of employers and workers in the trade together with three independent persons of standing. It has not been brought to my notice that the rates have the effect suggested by my hon. Friend, and I shall be glad if he will furnish me with particulars of any cases of which he has knowledge in order that they may be put before the Board.


Is it not also a fact that the employers and employés agreed upon this as well as upon the rate of wages?


Surely that is covered by my answer. I have no knowledge upon the question of wages, and if my hon. Friend will send me the information of which he speaks, I shall be glad to bring it to the notice of the Board.


Will the right hon. Gentleman refer to the Minutes of the Board where he can get all the necessary information he requires?