HC Deb 08 April 1925 vol 182 cc2226-7

May I ask the. Prime Minister what business he proposes to take during the week after we reassemble after the Easter holiday?


On Tuesday, 28th April, the Chancellor of the Exchequer will open his Budget.

On Wednesday, 29th April, until 8.15, and on Thursday, 30th April, general discussion of the Budget Resolutions.

I think it is the desire of the House that I should put down a Motion on Wednesday, 29th April, giving precedence to the Motion standing in the name of my hon. Friend the Member for Bodmin (Mr. Harrison)—["To call attention to the present condition of the Fishing Industry; and to move, That this House views with grave concern the present state of the Fishing Industry of Great Britain, and that, in the interests of the Navy, the merchant service, and the food supply of this country, this industry should receive every possible assistance from the Government."]

Resolved, That this House do meet To-morrow at Eleven of the Clock; that no Questions shall be taken after Twelve of the Clock; and that at Five of the Clock Mr. Speaker shall adjourn the House without Question put."—[The Prime Minister.]