HC Deb 07 April 1925 vol 182 c2011
46. Mr. TINKER

asked the Prime Minister if he has considered the position of the mining industry in regard to the termination of the present agreement between the Mining Association and the Miners' Federation; and, if so, will he indicate what he proposes to do?

Colonel LANE-FOX

I have been asked to reply. The position is that the present wages agreement continues indefinitely unless, on or after the 1st July, a month's notice is given by either side to end it. I am aware that the question of giving notice is being actively canvassed, but I am not going to assume at present either that notice will be given, or that, if it is given, it will be beyond the power of the coalowners and miners to negotiate a new agreement in the ordinary way.


In view of the unsatisfactory nature of that reply, I beg to give notice that I shall call attention to this question on the Adjournment Motion on Thursday.

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