HC Deb 07 April 1925 vol 182 c2023
70. Major WHELER

asked the Minister of Transport the amounts of money credited to the Road Fund for the financial years 1922–23, 1923–24 and 1924–25; the amounts expended on first-class, second-class and unclassified roads each year; and the other principal items of expenditure of this Fund?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Colonel Ashley)

The financial statements of the Road Fund are not kept in a form that would permit of a ready answer to my hon. and gallant Friend's question. The accounts for the past three years are being analysed under the headings asked for, and I hope to be able to forward a statement to my hon. and gallant Friend very shortly.


Can Members generally have that statement?

Colonel ASHLEY

Yes, I will have it circulated.