HC Deb 06 April 1925 vol 182 c1808
28. Mr. HURD

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he has in preparation means to open the way to land ownership for the 17,000 unsatisfied applicants for small holdings, including 3,243 ex-service men requiring 46,000 acres; and, if so, when these measures will come into operation?


The question of the provision of additional small holdings is being carefully considered, and I hope to be in a position to submit to the House next year proposals for a new scheme to be brought into operation after the present scheme has been completed in 12 months' time.

Captain GEE

When the right hon. Gentleman is going into this question, will he also consider the advisability of purchasing hack the small holdings from those ex-service men who have not been able to make a success of them, if they are willing to sell?