HC Deb 02 October 1924 vol 177 cc306-8
42. Major WHELER

asked the Minister of Agriculture the number of outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease during the month of September; the districts where these outbreaks occurred; if the causes have been traced; and the number of districts where restrictions are still in force?


Nine outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease were confirmed during September, and restrictions are still in force in six districts. I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT details of these cases, and of the causes were ascertained.


Is the right hon. Gentleman taking special steps, or continuing special steps to disinfect railway trucks, even although the outbreaks are getting less?


Yes, and the special measures with regard to cleansing railway trucks have been very successful.


Does the right hon. Gentleman consider it essential for the protection of cattle to continue a policy of destroying animals that have not been infected?

Place. County. Date confirmed. Causes.
Loughton Essex 8th September A new centre—origin obscure.
Loughton Essex 16th September Infected from outbreak above.
Harmston Kesteven 3rd September All in existing infected areas and probably all derived from previous - outbreaks. In two cases, however, the connection with the older cases is not definitely traceable.
Coleby Kesteven 8th September
Coleby Kesteven 15th September
Daventry Northants 2nd September
Daventry Northants 21st September
Hucknall Notts 15th September
Salisbury Wilts 12th September
44. Mr. E. BROWN

asked the Minister of Agriculture the counties in England in which there are restrictions in force owing to outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease; the number of areas still under restrictions; and whether he has received any representations as to altering or narrowing the radii of the restricted areas?


Six areas are still under restrictions, and include the counties of Nottingham, Kesteven, Northampton, Warwick, Oxford, Buckingham, Wiltshire, Essex, Middlesex, and Hertford. The answer to the last part is in the affirmative. Representations have been received, and are being considered by the Pretyman Committee.


I am afraid that until evidence is produced to show any better system exists, it will be dangerous not to destroy the contacts, as is done at present.


Would human beings tolerate for one moment such a system for themselvees?

Lieut.-Colonel LANE-FOX

Has the right hon. Gentleman any further information to give to the House as to the report of the bacillus having been found?


May I ask whether, in view of the insistent claim made by certain gentlemen, the right hon. Gentleman is prepared to allow them to make, say, a ten days' trial of their alleged remedy?


That does not arise out of the question.

Following are the promised details of cases: