HC Deb 29 May 1924 vol 174 c584
29. Mr. W. A. JENKINS

asked the President of the Board of Education if he is aware that the Board of Education has made no arrangements for the examination of acting teachers for their certificates beyond November, 1924; and, inasmuch as there are many teachers now preparing who, through circumstances, may be prevented from taking their examinations in 1924, or who may fail and desire to try again. and in view of the fact that there are many candidates who are not eligible to sit until after 1924, and who, through pressure of home responsibilities and financial circumstances, are unable to proceed to a training college, will he take steps to arrange for an extension of the teachers' examination beyond 1924?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Trevelyan)

I am fully aware of all the relevant factors in this matter, but, as I have already explained in answer to questions in this House, I propose to await the Report of the Departmental Committee on the Training of Teachers before arriving at a final decision.


Seeing that this will fall mainly upon the sons and daughters of hard-working people, will the right hon. Gentleman kindly give it his favourable and special consideration?


I have said that I will wait until. I get the Report, which I am expecting.