HC Deb 28 May 1924 vol 174 cc405-6

asked the Minister of Health the number of cases in which he has refused the housing subsidy on the ground that the needs of the district concerned can be met by individual enterprise; and is he aware that more houses could be provided if the housing subsidy were given to all genuine builders, irrespective of whether or not houses are built locally by wealthy individuals who do not need the subsidy?


I should like to express my regret to the House that, through an accident, neither my colleague nor I was able to be present yesterday to answer questions. I hope the House will accept my apology

I have gone into this question in detail and, as the answer is necessarily rather long, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The answer is as follows:

I assume that the hon. Member has in mind the application of a district council in regard to which he recently communi- cated with me. I have had further correspondence with the council in question, and have informed them that, provided they can formulate properly safeguarded proposals for the assistance of private enterprise in their district, I should be prepared to consider favourably an application for approval of a scheme which would enable the council to deal with suitable cases that may come before them. The hon. Member will be aware that under the Housing, etc. Act, 1923, I am required, before approving the proposals of a local authority to grant assistance to private enterprise, to be satisfied that the need for houses cannot be met without assistance under the Act. Approval to the general schemes of local authorities for granting assistance to private enterprise has been withheld in two cases.

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