HC Deb 15 May 1924 vol 173 cc1532-3
36. Mr. E. BROWN

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he has received any representations as to the proportion of the cost of secondary schools which falls upon local rates; and whether he will make any statement as to the present Exchequer grants?


I have not received any such representations. The Exchequer grants payable in aid of secondary schools are set out in the Board's Regulations for secondary schools and in the regulations for the payment of grants for higher education, copies of which I am sending to the hon. Member. I may also refer him to the explanatory notes upon the Board's estimates contained on pages 27 to 30 of the Estimates for Civil Services for the year ending 31st March, 1925.

Viscountess ASTOR

Would it not have been better to keep on the Entertainments Duty and have some more secondary schools?


That does not arise.

37 and 38 Mr. BROWN

also asked the President of the Board of Education (1) the total cost per pupil in the secondary schools of the Administrative County of Warwick in the years 1910–11, 1917–18, and 1922–23, respectively, and the amount of the Board of Education's grants per pupil in the same periods;

(2) the total contributions of the Board of Education towards secondary schools in the Administrative County of Warwick in the years 1910–11, 1917–18 and 1922–23, respectively; and the total cost of this service in this area in the same periods?


With the hon. Member's permission, as the reply contains a number of figures, I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Financial Year. No. of Schools. Total number of Pupils. Total expenditure on School maintenance. Board's Grant. Cost per pupil. Grant per pupil.
L.E.A. Non-L.E.A.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
£ £ £ s. £ s.
1910–11 1 13 2,000 31,735 8,012 15 17 4 0
1917–18 2 11 2,195 43,493 12 118 19 16 5 10
1922–23 5 9 3,445 106,253 37,570 30 17 10 18
NOTE 1.—In 1910–11 and 1917–18 the Board's grants were based upon the number of pupils. In 1922–23, in addition to grants based upon the number of pupils in schools not provided by the Authority, a percentage grant was also paid based on the Authority's expenditure on Higher Education, of which expenditure on Secondary Education formed a part. In addition to the Board's grants in each of the years the Authority received under the Residue Giant money amounting to roughly £7,000 to be used for purposes of Higher Education generally, but I have no figures to show how much of this was allocated for purposes of Secondary Education.
2. The Board's grants for 1922–23 (so far as the expenditure grant to the Authority is concerned) can only be stated as an estimate of the portion of the total grant for Higher Education, which is referable to Secondary Education.
3. In order to make the figures for the three years given in Column 5 comparable, rent, loan charges, capital expenditure and cost of administration have been omitted. For the same reason no allowance has been made for these items of the Authority's expenditure in estimating the amount of grant for 1922–23 entered in Column 6. If, however, allowance is made for these items, the figures for 1922–23 in Columns 5, 6, 7 and 8 would be approximately:—
£ £
Column 5 114,000 Column 7 33
Column 6 41,500 Column 8 12