§ 26. Major KINDERSLEYasked the Home Secretary whether he will issue instructions to ensure that Press photographers are excluded when the police have control of premises for the purpose of investigating alleged crimes?
§ Major KINDERSLEYWill the right hon. Gentleman obtain such authority by legislation?
Mr. HENDERSONI think it would be very unwise for me to make a definite promise in that respect, at present at any rate, until I get further information.
§ Mr. HOPEHas not the right hon. Gentleman power where either the Criminal Investigation Department or the Metropolitan Police are in charge?
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYAre we to understand that there is no redress against the large crowds and the disgraceful scenes that have occurred recently? Can nothing be done at all in the matter?
§ Major KINDERSLEYAre we to understand from the right hon. Gentleman that there is no Department which has any control?
Mr. HENDERSONI think the question raised in this question is that of Press photographers, and I have already intimated that we have no power.
§ Major KINDERSLEYMy question was as to whether, where the police have control, the right hon. Gentleman will issue instructions that Press photographers shall be excluded? This raises the question of the police.
Mr. HENDERSONMy information is that I have no power to issue the very instructions that my hon. and gallant Friend is suggesting.
§ Captain Viscount CURZONCan the right hon. Gentleman exercise his influence with the Leader of the House to give facilities for the Bill introduced yesterday by the hon. and gallant Member for Central Nottingham (Captain Berkeley)?