HC Deb 14 May 1924 vol 173 c1338
43. Mr. BAKER

asked tie Prime Minister whether he is aware that, from 1913 to 1920, a well-known London retail store paid dividends amounting to 1,633.3 per cent. on its capital, in addition to the distribution, in 1920, of share bonuses equal to 900 per cent. of the capital; and whether he will have regard to this fact when considering the desirability of authorising an inquiry into the alleged profiteering of middlemen and retailers?


My attention has been called to the statement to which my hon. Friend refers. All the relevant information available will be taken into account in considering the matter mentioned in the second part of the question.


In view of the agreement of the Opposition as to the necessity for such an inquiry, may I press the right hon. Gentleman to represent to the Prime Minister the importance of holding an inquiry at the earliest possible moment?


The Leader of the House has already indicated that the matter is being considered.