31. Captain TUDOR REESasked the Secretary of State for War whether, if it is not contrary to public interests, he will state the number of officers and men on the strength of the Territorial Army; how many more are required to complete the establishment; and whether he is taking any and, if so, what steps to this end?
§ Mr. WALSHThe peace establishment of the Territorial Army is, offices 7,748, and other ranks, 172,335. The strength on 1st April last was, officers, 5,915, and other ranks, 130,659. The numbers required to complete the establishment are therefore, officers, 1,833, and other ranks, 35,670. As regards the last part of the question, recruiting campaigns in various forms are held from time to time by county associations.
§ Sir C. YATEAre any steps being taken to start the Militia?