§ Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee: That they had nominated the following Members to serve on Standing Committee D: Lord Apsley, Mr. Banton, Mr. Barker, Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Mr. Bonwick, Mr. Broad, Mr. Bromfield, Mr. Clayton, Brigadier-General Cockerill, Mr. Cove, Mr. Evan Davies, Sir William Davison, Mr. Storry-Deans, Major Dudgeon, Mr. Dunnico, Mr. Erskine, Major Sir Ber 1156 tram Falle, Mr. Harmsworth, Mr. Hayday, Sir Sydney Henn, Sir Samuel Hill-Wood, Mr. Hirst, Major Hore-Belisha, Colonel Howard-Bury, Mr. Hudson, Lieut.-Colonel James, Mr. William Jenkins (Neath), Miss Lawrence, Mr. Lessing, Mr. Loverseed, Mr. Lumley, Mr. Frederick Martin. Mr. Middleton, Mr. Foot Mitchell, Mr. Paling, Mr. Pilkington, Captain Tudor-Rees, Mr. Remer, Mr. Rhys, Mr. Royle, Mr. Serymgeour, Mr. Seely, Mr. Herbert Spencer, Lord Stanley, Mr. Varley, Mr. Waddington, Lieut.-Colonel Lambert Ward, Mr. Wells, Major Ronald Williams and Lieut.-Colonel Woodwark.