HC Deb 06 May 1924 vol 173 cc200-1
7. Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware of the need felt by many officers of the mercantile marine for some form of contributory pension or superannuation scheme; whether he will consult the shipping companies and the officers' associations with a view to the introduction of a suitable scheme; and if he is aware of the fact that, although several regular lines have such schemes, there are many officers of the mercantile marine who are not covered in any way?


I am aware that some shipping lines have established pension and superannuation schemes, and the number is increasing; if the system could be extended still further, it would not only benefit those concerned, but would be a good thing for the mercantile marine generally. The Board of Trade would welcome any steps that can be taken in this direction, but the matter is one for the industry itself and not one in which a Government Department could usefully intervene.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the second part of my question, whether he will consult the shippinig companies and the officers' associations? Is he aware that there are organised bodies and that if he gets into touch with them he will get sympathetic assistance in his legislation?


I am aware that there are such bodies, but it must be a matter of discretion how far a Government Department should initiate negotiations with them. If any of these bodies approach the Board of Trade, they will receive not only sympathetic consideration but every assistance will be given.