§ 76. Mr. HARCOURT JOHNSTONEasked the Financial Secretary to the 232 Treasury on what grounds a book entitled "Judgments delivered by Lord Chancellor Birkenhead, 1919–22," durably bound in buckram, has been published by the Stationery Office at the public expense; whether any estimate has been formed of the probable sale of this book; and what is the estimated profit or loss on the publication?
Mr. GRAHAMI understand that authority for the official publication of the volume in question was given in June, 1921, and that it was published in July, 1923. I am not aware of the grounds on which previous Governments authorised this publication at public expense. A reliable estimate of the ultimate sale of such a publication can hardly be given. If credit be allowed for copies distributed for official purposes, the loss on publication at the present date is approximately £145, but further sales will, of course, reduce this deficit.
§ Mr. JOHNSTONEDoes the hon. Gentleman propose to publish a volume of Lord Chancellor Haldane's Judgments at the same cost—30s. per volume?
Mr. GRAHAMMay I say at once without hesitation that there is no chance whatever of our undertaking a publication of that kind.
§ Mr. STURROCKIs it not the case that these Judgments of Lord Birkenhead are universally recognised as being of the highest value?
§ Major HORE-BELISHAWill the hon. Gentleman undertake to advise the Minister of Education to distribute them as glittering prizes in the secondary schools?