HC Deb 06 March 1924 vol 170 c1580
23. Mr. MARLEY

asked the Home Secretary whether two independent medical certificates were obtained in the case of Lionel S. Caunter, who was committed to Broadmoor Lunatic Asylum on 21st May, 1920; and, if so, what were the names of the signatories?


Mr. Caunter was certified insane in April, 1920, by two qualified medical practitioners and two members of the Visiting Committee of the Prison in which he was then confined. An order was thereupon made in pursuance of the Criminal Lunatics Act, 1884, for his removal to Broadmoor, where he remained until September, 1922. Copies of such certificates, including the signatures, may be obtained by interested parties on cause shown, but it would be contrary to practice, and I think undesirable, to give general publicity to the names of the signatories.