HC Deb 30 June 1924 vol 175 cc932-3
74. Mr. BAKER

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he will make further inquiries with regard to the number of accidents requiring hospital treatment which have occurred in the amuse- ments park at the British Empire Exhibition; whether he will call for a return of the number of cases which have been treated by the Red Cross station at the exhibition; and whether he will consider the desirability of insisting upon a closer inspection of the apparatus used in the amusements park?


With regard to the first and third parts of the question, I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave my hon. Friend on the 23rd instant. As regards the second part, I am informed by the British Empire Exhibition authorities that the records of cases treated at the Red Cross station at the exhibition numbered 2,899 to the end of May. These figures include every class of accident and illness which may occur throughout the whole exhibition.