HC Deb 26 June 1924 vol 175 c568

asked the Home Secretary whether any disciplinary action has been taken against the prisoner, Horatio Bottomley, in connection with writing the Press articles and the smuggling of the articles out of the prison: whether Bottomley has been allowed the usual one-fourth remission for good conduct appropriate to the part of his sentence he has served; can he say if the Press articles were smuggled out of Maidstone Prison, and by whom: whether action, if any, has been taken against any individual for smuggling the articles out of the prison; and if he is prepared to reconsider the cases of the two officers who were dismissed for another minor offence?


No disciplinary action has been taken against Bottomley in connection with the incident referred to. With regard to the second part of the question, remission depends upon the number of marks earned by good conduct and industry, and the convict's release on licence will be considered when he has earned the necessary number of marks. I have no information as regards the third part of the question. The answer to the fourth part is in the negative. As regards the fifth part, I find no ground, on the information in my possession, for reopening the case of the two officers referred to who were dismissed for a grave offence.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the present regulations make provision for the punishment of a prisoner where warders have been dismissed in cases like this?


Are the Socialist Members afraid of Bottomley coming back to the House?


Was it not the hon. Member's party who brought Bottomley here?