HC Deb 23 June 1924 vol 175 cc34-5
72. Mr. MAXTON

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps are being taken to make it possible for the Nigerian Government to proceed with the construction of the projected bridge across the Benuë River?


In view of the very heavy cost of building a bridge across the River Benuë, the proposal was abandoned in December, 1922. Trains will be taken across the river by train-ferry steamers.


Have representations again been made on this question, and if they have not, and if they are made, will the right hon. Gentleman consider the matter in view of the fact that a good deal of this work would be done in this country.


That would certainly attract me—if I had received any representations. I will have inquiry made to see if any such representations have been received.


Will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider the whole question as to whether a total expenditure of £1,000,000 is too much to spend for the essential development of an important British Colony?


Might I, as one of the Members for Scotland, ask the right hon. Gentleman to consider the desirability of promoting bridge-building at home, before he starts enterprises of this kind.

Lieut.-Colonel WATTS-MORGAN

As a representative of Wales— [HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear" and laughter.]


Might I press for an answer to my question from the right hon. Gentleman. The matter has been rather diverted by the irrelevancies of the previous speakers. Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that if this bridge be proceeded with, the raw materials will be obtained from South Wales and the finished product from Scotland?


I shall certainly consider the whole of the circumstances.