HC Deb 19 June 1924 vol 174 c2317
55. Major WHELER

asked the Minister of Agriculture the cost per head of the transport of the Canadian store cattle sent from Canadian ports to Great Britain for the past 12 months?


The cost of bringing Canadian store cattle to this country varies slightly with the route taken, but recent reports indicate an average cost for the last 12 months of about 40–42 dollars a head or, roughly, £9 2s. to £9 11s. at current rates of exchange. I will have particulars of the charges circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the importation of these cattle has had any effect upon the price of meat in this country?


I ant afraid that I cannot.

The particulars are as follow:

Rail charges from Winnipeg to Montreal 9
Ocean freight 20
Attendance and food:
Rail 5
Ocean 5
Insurance ¾

Including the cost of landing and handling in this country, the total average cost works out at between 40–42 dollars per head from Winnipeg.