HC Deb 05 June 1924 vol 174 c1437

asked the President of the Board of Education what is the amount of the largest pension now being paid under the Teachers Superannuation Acts of 1898 and 1912; what was the length of service rendered by the recipient of such pension; and how many pensions of £60 or upwards are now being paid under those Acts?


As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Gentleman's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The figures are as follow:

1. Amount of largest pension now being paid under the Teachers Superannuation Acts, 1898–1912:

£ s. d.
Disablement allowance (man) 68 0 0
(Recognised service, 42 years.)
Superannuation allowance (including annuity) 71 7 2
(Recognised service, 46 years.)

2.—(a) Number of pensions (excluding annuities) of £60 and upwards:

Superannuation allowances:
Men 51
Disablement allowances:
Men 82
Total 133

(b) Number of pensions (including annuities) of £60 and upwards:

Superannuation allowances:
Men 466
Women 12
Total 478
Grand Total 611