HC Deb 05 June 1924 vol 174 c1450
50. Mr. J. HARRIS

asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that General de Metz, writing on behalf of the Rhineland Commission, has ordered that a sum of 20,000 gold marks be paid by the Palatinate as compensation to the Separatist Helfrich for alleged damages; whether the British representative on the Rhineland Commission agreed to this fine; and, if not, whether His Majesty's Government has taken any steps in the matter?


The infliction of a fine of 20,000 gold marks on the Palatinate as compensation to Herr Helfrich was the result of a majority decision by the Rhineland High Commission against which the British High Commissioner formally protested. An endeavour is now being made to secure a settlement of this question locally.


Can the Under-Secretary say how these damages were assessed?


I have no information.


Can the bon. Gentleman say how far General de Metz is responsible for the Rhineland Commission, and how far he acts on his own authority?

Captain BENN

Is it not a fact that for two years the British representation of the Rhineland Commission has been a farce?