HC Deb 29 July 1924 vol 176 c1878
28. Mr. HANNON

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether, seeing that the losses incurred on the seed-testing station amounted to £5,910 on the 31st March, 1923, he will say whether any further loss was made on the seed-testing station during the year ended 31st March, 1924; and if he has any hope of this institution being placed on a self-supporting footing?


The accounts for this station for the year 1923–24 will not be completed for some time yet, but the Board's estimate for the year in question contained provision for meeting an excess of expenditure over receipts for this service. In view of the scientific nature of the work and its great value to the development of agriculture it can hardly be expected, nor, so far as I am aware, is it the experience of other countries where a similar policy is in operation, that it can be placed on a self-supporting footing.


Is this intended as an experimental station, or is it to be conducted on a business basis?


How many farmers use this seed-testing station?


That question should be put on the Paper.