HC Deb 28 July 1924 vol 176 c1756
42. Lieut.-Colonel MEYLER

asked the Minister of Agriculture in what districts is labour imported from France to be utilised for fruit picking; what number of foreign labourers will be employed; and whether he can find employment for this purpose for the large number of persons who are out of work in this country instead of importing foreign labour?


So far as I am aware, no workers are being imported from abroad for the purpose of fruit picking, nor is my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour, under whose jurisdiction the matter lies, likely to agree to the issue of permits for such importation whilst so many persons are out of work in this country.

Lieut.-Colonel MEYLER

Did not the right hon. Gentleman state last week that such labour was to be imported?


No; I said that I had received a request to be allowed to import, but that I would not agree to it.

Marquess of HARTINGTON

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether more damage is done to the unemployed in this country by importing foreign labour than by importing the product of foreign labour?