HC Deb 22 July 1924 vol 176 cc1092-3
8 and 9. Mr. WADDINGTON

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what was the value and volume of cotton-piece goods exported from the United Kingdom to China in 1913 and 1923, respectively; what were the total imports from all countries into China of cotton-piece goods in the same years; and what percentage was imported from the United Kingdom in each period;

(2) what was the value of British exports to China it 1913 and the corresponding value in: what were the total imports into China from all countries in 1913 and 1923; respectively; and what were the percentages of imports from the United Kingdom in those years?


I will take these questions together. As the answers are rather long I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply to Question 8:

The following statement shows the quantity and value of cotton-piece goods (United Kingdom manufacture) exported from the United Kingdom and registered as consigned to China (exclusive of Hong Kong, Macao and leased territories) during the years specified:

Year. Linear yards. £
1913 573,476,300 9,475,653
1922 276,003,100 10,997,271
1923 201,420,600 7,627,825

From all Sources. From United Kingdom direct. Proportion of value of Imports from all sources.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
1913 Haikwan Taels.* Haikwan Taels.* Per cent.
Returned by the Piece 28,037,587 99,722,648 14,990,433 56,648,148 56.8
Returned by the Yard 103,979,787 9,890,220 11,771,223 2,505,083 25.3
Total Value 109,612,868 59,153,231 54.0
Returned by the Piece 21,836,176 137,745,343 7,566,269 57,124,547 41.5
Returned by the Yard 93,708,894 14,064,551 9,937,464 4,717,386 33.5
Returned by the Picul 11,022 682,109 2 51
Total Value 152,492,003 61,841,984 40.6
Particulars for 1923 are not yet available.
* The average rate of exchange of the Haikwan Tael in 1913 was 3s. 0¼d. and in 1922, 3s. 9d.

Following is the reply to Question 9:

The following statement shows the value of merchandise (United Kingdom produce and manufacture) exported from the United Kingdom and registered as consigned to China (exclusive of Hong Kong, Macao and leased territories) during the years specified:

Year. Imports from all Sources. Imports from United Kingdom direct. Proportion of Imports from United Kingdom to Total Imports.
Haikwan Taels.* Haikwan Taels.* Per Cent.
1913 686,290,431 96,910,944 16.5
1922 975,034,183 145,292,550 14.9
1923 Not yet available.
* The average rate of exchange of the Haikwan Tael in 1913 was 3s. 0¼d., and in 1922, 3s. 9d.