HC Deb 17 July 1924 vol 176 cc577-8
37. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that Rumania is in need of 4,000 locomotives; and whether, in view of the fact that many of our locomotive works are idle, he will give the use of trade facilities to firms in this country taking contracts from Rumania despite the fact that Rumania owes money to Britain?


I have no special information with regard to the need for locomotives by Rumania. It is open to Rumania, if she so desires, to make application to the Trade Facilities Committee.


Are we to understand that, taking a case like Springburn, which I represent, where there are big locomotive works, if those who are building locomotives there get a contract, say, with Rumania, are the Government, because Rumania owes us money, going to put it in that they cannot have such a contract under the Trade Facilities Scheme?


No. The matter is one of capital expenditure. It is open to any Government or to any private firm to approach the Advisory Committee under the Act, but, of course, it is entirely for the Committee to say whether, having regard to all the circumstances, the guarantee can be given.

Colonel ASHLEY

Can the hon. Gentleman state whether he can see his way to sell some of the Woolwich locomotives to Rumania?


Speaking from recollection, I should say at once that every effort has been made to dispose of them already.


If the suggestion of the hon. Member for Springburn (Mr. Hardie) were adopted, would it not result in Rumania owing us still more money?


Is it not a fact that the engines would give the power to pay us back the money?