HC Deb 17 July 1924 vol 176 c557
4. Mr. P. OLIVER

asked the Minister of Pensions what is the cost per patient per day of hospitals directly administered by the Ministry; whether such cost is greater than the average capitation grant given to hospitals administered under the Ministry by voluntary societies; and, if so, will he, as and when a reduction of bed accommodation becomes necessary, consider the advisability of closing wards in Ministry hospitals in preference to closing hospitals administered by such societies?


The average daily cost to the Ministry per patient in hospitals administered by my Department is approximately the same as the cost in hospitals administered for use by my Department by voluntary bodies, namely, 8s. 8d. a day. The Ministry maintain separate institutions only where that course is necessary to supplement otherwise existing accommodation or to provide treatment for special War disabilities (for example, neurasthenia), for which adequate treatment is not otherwise obtainable. In pursuance of that policy the position is reviewed from time to time, and in the selection of accommodation to be relinquished the principal determining factors must be the type of treatment for which accommodation is required and the situation of the various institutions.

Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

Does that comparison of cost include the overhead charges which in the case of the Ministry hospitals are considerable, and in the case of those of voluntary societies are very small?


I could not give exact information on that point, but I can only assume so.

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