HC Deb 16 July 1924 vol 176 cc359-60
68. Mr. J. HARRIS

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that many of the subsidised houses in the Mosspark district of Glasgow provided by the corporation of that city are let to tenants who are in receipt of substantial incomes; and whether he will recommend to the Corporation of Glasgow the advisability in future of making inquiries as to the means of those applying for houses, in order that preference may be given to the poorer applicants?

The SECRETARY for SCOTLAND (Mr. Adamson)

I have been asked to reply. I have no information as to the financial position of tenants at Mosspark, but I understand that the Corporation of Glasgow have recently had under consideration the question of the letting of houses in their housing scheme, and have adopted certain rules for the regulation of such letting in future which provide inter alia for a maximum family income of £350. The houses in question are provided for the working classes generally, and I should hesitate to interfere with the discretion of the local authority in the matter.


May I ask if it is a fact that they are provided for the working classes, seeing that the lowest rent chargeable, including rates, amounts to almost £1 a week? Does not that prove that they are denied to the working classes and that only people with substantial incomes can occupy these houses?


Is it true that some of the occupants of these houses are in fact registered owners of private motor cars?


The right hon. Gentleman said these houses are for working-class people, but I want to ask, if the rents and rates charged approximate £1 a week, how can working-class people pay that rent, and are they not reserved for well-to-do people?


I have no information as to whether any of the tenants at Moss-park have motor cars.


They have.


I have no such information, although the hon. Member may have. With regard to the other point, it is very difficult for certain sections of the working classes to meet a rent of £1 a week.

Viscountess ASTOR

Does it not depend on the size of the family?