HC Deb 16 July 1924 vol 176 cc377-8
93. Mr. W. BAKER

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the Report of the Annual Conference of the Professional Fire Brigades' Association, at which the chief inspector of high explosives called attention to the great danger of huge travelling tanks of petrol and lorry loads of petrol cans passing through congested streets; arid whether, in the interests of the public, he will draw up Regulations with regard to the transport of petroleum spirit?


Under the existing law, no central authority has any power to make regulations in this regard. The Petroleum Acts are administered locally, and each local authority may attach to a, storage licence such conditions in regard to conveyance as may seem desirable. These, however, apply only to the area within the jurisdiction of the local authority and may therefore differ materially in adjoining districts. This is not a satisfactory position, and in a Bill introduced last year, but adversely reported on by a Select Committee in another place, provision was made to enable the Secretary of State to issue Regulations of general application to the conveyance of petroleum spirit throughout the Kingdom. This Bill was not proceeded with, but the question of

introducing another Bill to give the necessary powers is under consideration.