HC Deb 15 July 1924 vol 176 cc182-3

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has received a communication, signed on behalf of the workers engaged on road relief work at South Loch Erisort, in the island of Lewis, complaining that workmen are unable to earn under the contract system more than 4d. or 5d. an hour for work which is a great physical strain upon the men employed, also drawing attention to the shortage and unsuitability of the implements provided and to the fact that the earnings of these men are only paid at the end of five or six weeks' work, and that, owing to this method of payment, these men are unable to secure credit for their daily or weekly purchases; and, in view of these conditions of employment, is he prepared to sanction such increase and expedition of payments as will enable these men to maintain their dependants and themselves in decent circumstances?


I have received recently the letter referred to. I am having inquiry made into the allegations which it contains, and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.