HC Deb 14 July 1924 vol 176 cc29-30

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department what is the number of school children who, up to date, have visited the British Empire Exhibition; what is, approximately, the total number expected during the course of the exhibition; and whether all arrangements in connection with housing and general comfort are being carried out to his full satisfaction?


I am unable to give the exact number of school children who have visited the British Empire Exhibition in organised parties to date under the scheme elaborated by a special Committee which I appointed with the approval of my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Education for the purpose of encouraging visits to the exhibition by organised parties of children, so that full advantage might be taken of its educational possibilities. The total cannot, however, have been less than at the rate of 150,000 a week since the 1st May, and it is anticipated that this rate will be maintained until the end of July, when the summer holidays begin. By that time it is estimated that at least 2,000,000 children will have been to Wembley. With regard to the last part of the question, I may say that I have taken the opportunity of seeing for myself the hostel at Park Royal, where children coming from the provinces may spend the night at a maximum charge of 5s. per head, which includes three meals, and where some 40,000 have already been accommodated. I am able to assert that the arrangements for their housing and general comfort, which are under the supervision of the Middlesex Education Committee, are excellent.


May I ask whether this is the House of Commons or the National Advertising Convention?