That the draft of a Special Order proposed to be made by the Board of Trade under Section 10 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, on the application of the Pinner Gas Company, Limited, which was presented on the 9th July, and published, be referred to a Select Committee of Four Members appointed by the Committee of Selection for their Report which s-hall state whether, in their opinion, the Order should be approved with or without modifications or additions, setting out the modifications or additions, if any, which they propose or should not he approved, and shall be laid before the House together with a copy of the Order showing the modifications and additions, if any, proposed by the Committee. That the proceedings of the Committee to which the Order is referred shall be conducted in like manner as in the ease of a Provisional Order Confirmation Bill under Standing Order 151, and opponents
of the Order shall be heard provided that a Statement of Objection has been deposited with the Board of Tract? on or before the seventh day after the date of this Motion, but an opponent shall only be heard upon objections which have been distinctly specified in the Statement.
That any Statement so deposited shall be laid upon the Table of the House by the Board of Trade and shall stand referred to the Committee.
That if no Statement of Objection shall have been deposited within the specified time the reference to the Select Committee shall be discharged."—[Mr. A. V. Alexander.]