HC Deb 14 July 1924 vol 176 cc20-1
51 and 52. Mr. AYLES

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether he can see his way to have a Return prepared showing the existing rates of pay and hours worked in all parts of the British Empire, together with the unemployment Returns for the past three years;

(2) the methods adopted in the various parts of the British Empire for the recruitment of labour, the, settlement of labour disputes, and the adjustment of wages and conditions of labour; and whether, if the information is not now available in his Department, he will obtain the same and circulate it to Members of the House?


I am not quite clear whether my hon. Friend refers to the self-governing Dominions as well as to those parts of the Empire for the administration of which I am responsible. If the self-governing Dominions are referred to, I fear that I would hardly ask the Governments concerned to furnish a special return of the very comprehensive nature indicated, but I would invite the attention of my hon. Friend to the Official Year Books, in which a good deal of the information desired is published. As regards the Colonies not possessing responsible Government, Protectorates, etc., conditions are so various, and the degree of industrial development reached in each territory differs to so great an extent, that it would hardly be practicable to prepare a comprehensive return. There is some information as regards rates of pay in certain employments, but no records of unemployment are available. If the hon. Member will communicate with me with regard to the particular points which he desires to bring out I shall be happy to see whether the information at my disposal would enable me to assist him.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that if we are going to get rid of or find a solution for all the problems of Empire, in order that we may get a really consolidated Empire, we must have all the facts concerning the economic side as well as those bearing on the general economic activities of various parts of the Empire, and instead of—[HON. MEMBERS: "Speech!"]

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