HC Deb 09 July 1924 vol 175 cc2260-1

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that in many parts of the country persons recommended for admission to sanatoria are frequently kept waiting for months, thus decreasing their chances of recovery and endangering the health of their friends and relatives; and whether he has any information that the Circular issued by his Department in February last, promising grants in aid of approved proposals for the development of the health services, is likely to result in a substantial addition to the available accommodation for the treatment of this disease?


I am aware that in some areas there is a considerable waiting list of certain classes of tuberculous patients recommended for admission to residential institutions, but I have no information to show that the position is as suggested by my hon. Friend. The answer to the second part of the question is "Yes."


asked the Minister of Health if he has taken any steps to ascertain the real value of the Spahlinger treatment as a cure for tuberculosis; if so, will he state the result of his inquiries; and whether or not ample supplies of the serum will be available for all sufferers in this country?


As regards the first part of the question, I have already stated that all such inquiries have been made by my Department as have been practice- able in the absence of a supply of M. Spahlinger's preparations for scientific investigation. The results of these inquiries do not enable me to pronounce an opinion as to the efficacy of the treatment, but they are sufficient to indicate the desirability of a scientific investigation whenever a supply of the preparations is forthcoming. I regret that I am still without information as to when any such supply will be available in this country.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether he has obtained from M. Spahlinger any formula of the preparation of his serum?


I had a personal interview with M. Spahlinger, and I pressed him very strongly for that, but he was either unable or unwilling to comply with that request.