§ 53. Mr. E. SIMONasked the Minister of Health whether he proposes to introduce a Bill under which houses costing £500 each will be let at a rent of 3s. 3d. weekly?
§ Mr. WHEATLEYNo, Sir.
§ Mr. SIMONIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the statement made by him that £500 houses could be let at 3s. 3d. per week has been broadcast all over the country and was repeated by him in an interview in the "New Leader" last Saturday; and will he state frankly that he is perfectly incapable either under Capitalism or Socialism of doing anything of the kind?
§ Mr. WHEATLEYIt is quite true that I stated in this House and in the public Press that, but for the interest charged on capital, a £500 house could be let economically at 3s. 3d. per week. I am not prepared to say what I should do under a state of Socialism.
§ Mr. MONTAGUEIs the right hon. Gentleman prepared to bring in a Bill which will allow the Liberal party to vote for the nationalisation of banks in order to make this possible?
§ Mr. HANNONHow does the Minister of Health propose to erect houses without capital?
§ Mr. WHEATLEYI was not proposing to erect houses without capital. I was proposing to erect them with bricks and other materials.
§ Mr. SIMONHow does the right hon. Gentleman propose to raise the money without paying interest to those who lend the money?
§ Mr. WHEATLEYI am not proposing to borrow money free of interest, or to borrow money at all. That will be the business of the local authorities.